How long does the egg donation process take?
What side effects and risks are involved with egg donation?
How many eggs will I be donating?
Will I be able to have child/ren after egg donation?
Will I undergo any surgery?
Will I miss school or work?
How much travel will be involved?
How much will I be compensated?
What are the required medications?
Can I donate if I am on birth control?
Can I donate my eggs if my tubes are tied?
Will I meet the Intended Parents?
How long will recovery from egg donation take?
How often can I donate?
Can I donate more than once?
When can I be matched?
What health problems may arise from a surrogate pregnancy?
What medications are surrogates required to take?
How much work will I miss?
How much out of pocket expenses will I have to pay?
How much compensation will I receive?
Can I still be a surrogate if I had my tubes tied?
Do I have to use a specific OB?
Does the surrogate's partner have any responsibilities?
What happens next after the delivery?
Ho much contact will I have with the Intended Parents after delivery?
How do I start with finding an egg donor/surrogate?
How long does it take to find a my egg donor/surrogate?
Will I meet with my egg donor/surrogate?
How do I choose a fertility center?
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