What is Egg Donation

What is Egg Donation?

Egg donation is an alternative fertility treatment for women who cannot be pregnant with her own eggs. This process involves using a donor’s eggs to fertilize embryos for embryo transfer, which is the same procedure done in regular IVF cycles, and takes about 2-3 months with 5-7 mandatory appointments and an egg retrieval procedure to complete.

The Concept Behind Egg Donation

Women are born with an average ovarian reserve of 300,000 egg-containing follicles. Each month, your body naturally produces 20-25 eggs, with one of the eggs becomes developed and matured for conception, while the rest is naturally dissolved. Egg donation involves using medication to help the immature eggs to grow and develop for egg donation. Remember, even if you don’t donate the eggs, they are naturally discarded monthly.

The Donation Process

Find out more about the steps involved in egg donation.

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